Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Benefits And Limitations Of Dreamweaver

Benefits And Limitations Of Dreamweaver

Image source: https://image.slidesharecdn.com/dreamweaver-170323045244/95/dreamweaver-batra-computer-centre-5-638.jpg?cb=1490244817

Benefits And Limitations Of Dreamweaver

There is a misunderstanding about Dreamweaver that it is designed to completely remove the agency of HTML and CSS coding from the website design. HTML and CSS coding is still needed although Dreamweaver has replaced it.

Let us explain this with the help of a simple example. A nail-gun is a substitute of hammer. But nail-gun cannot completely replace the hammer. A nail-gun can be used for nailing the boards together, but it is not a precise tool. If you solely rely on a nail-gun, you will not be able to do detail-oriented work. Therefore your work will be limited and you will not be able to build what you intend to build. A skilled worker is fully aware of when to use a hammer when a nail-gun is not suitable for the job.

Dreamweaver is similar to a nail-gun in the sense that it makes life easier but sometimes it is not sufficient. If you do not learn HTML and CSS, you will be completely dependent on the Dreamweaver for designing a website. Although this is not a completely bad thing, your perspective will be narrowed and you will be able to achieve limited tasks.

Benefits of Dreamweaver:

Writing Content: Dreamweaver makes writing content of the website easier. Simple HTML coding can be burdensome.

Managing Files: If you are building a large website which has a large number pages, managing the files can quickly become confusing. Dreamweaver makes managing files easy because it has an in-built dependency tracking system. The synchronization tool, that is built in the Dreamweaver, automatically manages the files and updates the website's pages accordingly. A large number of web designers use Dreamweaver just because of this tool.

Preliminary Page Layout: Dreamweaver comes with a lot of good tools that help you to layout your website. Many templates and "pre-fab" layouts are available in the Dreamweaver; they provide you a good starting point.

Although these layout tools are helpful, they are of limited use. Some of the designs cannot be achieved with the help of these built-in tools. In such cases, you have to go back to manually edit the HTML and CSS coding.

Limitations of Dreamweaver:

Dreamweaver cannot completely remove the need to use HTML and CSS coding. The purpose of Dreamweaver is to assist you in HTML and CSS coding and to make some of the mundane phases of web designing less terrible for you.

You can design a very decent-looking web site very quickly and easily with the help of Dreamweaver without ever having to learn HTML and CSS. The problem is that without the knowledge of HTML and CSS, you will have limited ability to fully customize your website.

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