Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

Are You Operating On The Competitive Plane If So, You'd Better Stop!

Are You Operating On The Competitive Plane If So, You'd Better Stop!

Image source: http://www.chinadiscovery.com/assets/images/dunhuang/dunhuang-airport-253.jpg

Are You Operating On The Competitive Plane If So, You'd Better Stop!

images (1)Gratitude Unlocks The Fullness Of Life

An interesting little book I've been reading is "The Science Of Getting Rich", by William Wattles. You can get a free copy of this powerful little 1910 classic by clicking on the link above. I have been fascinated by the two different planes of truth that Mr. Wattles teaches about and I wanted to share a bit about them.

We are born into an amazing, living universe aren't we? There is so much we don't understand yet about this beautiful universe. Whether you believe in God as a person, or the universe as a living thing in and to itself, there are certain laws that are absolute.

One of these is the Law of Gratitude. This law is the natural principle that action and reaction are always equal and in opposite directions. Faith is born of gratitude. The grateful mind continually expects good things, and expectation becomes faith.

The Law of Gratitude is the foundation for all success. Upon this foundation are two planes. The creative plane and the competitive plane.

The premise for the creative plane is that we are all creative beings, able to create what we want when we have the understanding that the universe is made of "stuff" that produces, or creates our desires. Think Quantum Physics! ; )

The idea behind the competitive plane is that we try to gain what we want by either becoming masters over someone else, or we have to move quickly because someone else can take, or have what we want. I have struggled to change my thinking from the competitive.

As I built my business amongst others that were learning to do the same thing, I hated that I felt frustrated when other people were having success when I wasn't. THAT explains the competitive plane!

creativeCreative Plane

A perfect explanation for the creative plane is the Golden Rule. Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.
There is never any hurry on the creative plane because there is no lack of opportunity.
The very best thing you can do for the world is make the most of yourself.
There is no better way to serve our creator or other people than by becoming financially successful by way of this plane.
Make sure we provide everyone more in use value than cash value. Give them more than what they expect or pay for.
When you work from the creative plane, you rise above and become a citizen of another kingdom.
competitiveCompetitive Plane

When you think in competitive ways, you are thinking that the supply for anything is limited.
When we operate from this plane financial success becomes a matter of chance and speculation.
Wealth procured on the competitive plane won't last.
On this plane you always feel the need to act quickly.
The more people that get rich on the competitive plane, the worse it is for others.
When you are thinking along the competitive plane your connection with creativity is lost.
Comparing ourselves and our success comes from the competitive plane.
On this plane there is constant struggle to gain power over others.
You do not have to beat anyone in business.
Obviously it is not easy operating strictly in the creative plane. It takes practice, and a willingness to learn about the power of our minds. Open your mind to things like the power of attraction, or books like, "The Magic of Thinking Big".

Gratitude will lead your mind out along the ways by which things come, and it will keep you in close harmony with creative thought and prevent you from falling into competitive thought.

While researching for this article, I came across a video I just had to share with you. If this guy isn't operating from the creative plane I don't know who is! Enjoy!

Would you like to discover how to apply the Law of Gratitude and learn to operate in the creative plane? If so, you will want to check out the greatest workshop for creating an online business in the universe! From it you can learn how to design the life of your dreams. CLICK http://tidyurl.com/tpdu5t to be escorted to a page that will tell you all about this terrific workshop, and to meet the very successful Stuart, Co-Founder of said amazing workshop!

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