Selasa, 06 Maret 2018

5 Common Eye Disorders Involving Tense Eye Muscles

5 Common Eye Disorders Involving Tense Eye Muscles

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5 Common Eye Disorders Involving Tense Eye Muscles

There are various common eye disorders which in fact, have one single underlying issue behind them all. This underlying problem is tension and tightness within the eye muscles, and it can affect the muscles of the eyes in various ways. Not everyone experiences the same symptoms due to the same underlying problem, but regardless of the eye disorder you are experiencing, consideration needs to be given to resolve this issue of tight and strained eye muscles. The following are some common eye disorders which can be helped by a program of relaxation for the eyes.

5 Eye Conditions With Tension As a Contributing Factor

1. Hyperopia

Otherwise known as far sightedness. This is a condition where the distant vision is clear, but you cannot focus on close up work such as reading, or close intricate hobby work. The major symptom is blurred vision when you are reading or performing close work, but headaches and eyestrain can also be a symptom. In hperopia, the eyeball has become shorter than normal, thus a distortion of the eye muscles has occurred.

2. Myopia

This is also known as near sightedness. The symptoms of this complaint, is when you unable to see clearly, objects in the distance due to blurry distant vision. Focusing on the television picture, or trying to pick out a street name on a signpost can pose problems . The eyeball has become distorted in the opposite way to Hyperopia, and that is, it has lengthened more than normal.

3. Cataracts

Cataracts are usually considered as a problem related to aging. The lens of the eye become weaker with age, and with that, naturally occurring proteins start to join up and clump together. These protein clumps continue to grow larger, and starts to cloud over the lens, which makes it more difficult to see. The symptoms of cataracts are - blurry vision, double vision, eyesight distortion in the affected eye, or a sensation of seeing through a haze or fabric such as a light curtain.

4. Astigmatism

In astigmatism, the cornea of the eye is no longer round, but has become curved like a football. This creates symptoms similar to other eye disorders, and it therefore needs a specialist to diagnose the problem. A person with Hyperopia or Myopia, see a circle as round, but for a person with astigmatism, they see the circle being elongated.

5. Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases where damage to the optic nerve causes loss of peripheral (side) vision which is the main symptom. Mostly this complaint is the result of a build up of fluid in the eye. The symptoms may be vague and hard to define as it develops slowly, so the person doesn't recognize that their vision is changing. Therefore it is important to get your eyes checked every 2 years, so that the condition can be detected before symptoms occur.

Considering these various eye diseases, it is important to take care of your eyes to keep them as healthy as possible. This can be done through a healthy diet which focuses on fruits and vegetables, making time for some exercise - both for the body, and eye exercises specifically to improve your vision and avoid these common eye disorders. Good eyesight is a valuable asset, and is one that we don't want to lose.

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Image source: This past year, I moved in...